Perhaps you remember the first time you smoked a cigarette? Most likely, you also remember the nausea, dizziness, sweats and the paleness afterwards. These are common side effects caused by nicotine and by an increased level of carbon monoxide in your bloodstream caused by cigarette smoking.

Vaping doesn’t burn tobacco, but it heats up a liquid (e-liquid) that contains glycol, glycerin, flavorings, nicotine, CBD and other ingredients. It doesn’t mean, however, that vaping cannot cause dizziness or sore throat.

Sore throat from vaping could be caused by multiple reasons:

1. Dehydration: Both glycerin and glycol can absorb moisture. This means that your throat can get dry. Specially, propylene glycol causes dehydration in your throat.

Solution: Stay hydrated when you vape, specially if you vape propylene glycol. Vegetable glycerin causes less dehydration compared to propylene glycol (PG). If you feel dehydration in your throat, try vaping vegetable glycerin and stay hydrated while vaping.

2. Frequency: perhaps you are vaping too much. If you are vaping too much, then you might experience sore throat.

Solution: Try to vape less for a while and you will get back to normal.

3. Puffs: try shorter and faster puffs. Deep and slow puffs can dry you mouth and throat. Vaping puffs are slightly different to smoking puffs. Deep and slow is the way to go!

What to do to avoid a sore throat?

Stay always hydrated when you vape. If you are starting vaping, try with vegetable glycerin first and change gradually to propylene glycol. VG gives a smoother feeling in your throat and it’s better for unexperienced vapers.

Give some time for your mouth and throat to adjust to vaping. And remember, if you are smoker, quit the habit and start vaping nicotine instead!